Joe Jonas

Birth Name: Joseph Adam Jonas
Birthday: August 15, 1989
Birth Place: Casa Grande, Arizona, USA
Nickname: Joe, Danger
Height: 5′9
Weight: 140
Righty or Lefty: Right-handed
Hair: Black
Eyes: Light Brown
Parents: Kevin & Denise Jonas
Childhood Pet: A dog named Cocco
Collections: G.I. Joe action figures & pens
Personal Quote: The only way to win is to die trying.
Favorite Junk Food: Mint and Creme Oreos.
Favorite Drink: Orange Gatorade.
Favorite Actress: Natalie Portman.
Favorite Sport: Wiffel Ball.
Favorite Band: Copeland and Switchfoot.
Favorite Actor: Jim Carey
Favorite Show: Boy Meets World and Heroes
Favorite Food: Chicken Cutlet Sandwich with Mayonnaise.
Favorite Candy: Twix and Tootsie Rolls.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Holiday: Christmas
Favorite Song: “Only Hope” by Switchfoot.
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Marshmallow.
Favorite Animal: Monkeys
Favorite Cereal: Trix<
Favorite Gum Flavor: Bubblegum
Favorite Ice Cream Place: Pinkberry
Favorite Book: A Wrinkle in Time
Favorite Fast Food: In N Out Burger
Favorite Word: Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
Favorite Pizza Topping: BBQ Chicken OTHER FACTS:
Brothers are Kevin, Nick, and Frankie.
Most outgoing brother
Incredibly humorous
Plays keyboard, guitar, tambourine, and lead vocals for the Jonas Brothers.
Before becoming a musician he wanted to be a comedian.
Joe’s favorite song from the album, Jonas Brothers is “Still in Love With You”.
Joe is a big fan of the High School Musical movies.
For Joe’s 19th birthday, he wanted a motorcycle with a sidecar.
Joe is the last brother to wake up, and his family has a very hard time doing it.
Joe laughs at fans who do Nick’s “elbow junction.”
Joe has a crush on actress Camilla Belle and jokes that should he ever meet her, he would get down on one knee and propose to her.
When Joe’s brother Nick fell ill on stage from Diabetes, he distracted the crowds by talking while Nick ran off stage.
One thing that Joe cannot go on tour without is a Care Bears pillow.
Joe says that everything makes him laugh.
Joe hates bad hair days.
Joe’s parents and brothers are his heroes.
Joe was born on a Tuesday.
Joe’s favorite website is
Joe once swore that he would never sing.
One of Joe’s close friends Maya was in the “Burnin’ Up” music video.
Joe has an iPhone that glows blue.
One of Joe’s ringtones is “Just Want You To Know” by the Backstreet Boys.
While filming Camp Rock, Joe and Demi were walking in the woods, and they got five inches away from a deer.
While filming Camp Rock, Joe learned how to do the splits during his downtime.
Joe’s favorite song off the album A Little Bit Longer is “Pushing Me Away.”
Joe drinks tea right before he hits the stage.
Joe says that if he were in charge of Camp Rock he would make a 100 foot waterslide.
Joe says that the best lesson his mom ever taught him was manners at the table.
Joe didn’t have his first kiss until he was 16.
When Joe was filming Camp Rock, he said his most embarrassing moment was when he was punched in the stomach and farted.
When Joe was younger, he and his older brother Kevin used to eat quarters. He claims to have eaten $1.25 once.
Joe shares a bedroom with his older brother Kevin.
On January 5th, 2008, Joe was rushed to the hospital when he tripped on a grate backstage at an Atlantic City concert. He received a few stitches for his head injury. The reason for his injury was because he and his brothers were making a YouTube video.
NOTE did not take pictures found of internet